'WWE Tough Enough' winner Matt Cappotelli dies at 38
By admin - 2018-11-12 01:31:11

Former WWE Star Matt Cappotelli, known for winning season three of “WWE Tough Enough,” has died at age 38 after a year-long battle with cancer. He was initially diagnosed with a brain tumor back on June 27, 2017.

“Hey Team Capp…I’ve been struggling with what to say and how to say this, and I’ll probably end up rambling, but here goes,” said his wife Lindsey Cappotelli.

“Today my love-my strong, sweet, beautiful love-took his last breath at 3:30 a.m. and went Home to be with Jesus…exactly one year after his brain surgery. You think you can be prepared for this when you know it’s coming, but you just can’t. The only person whose comfort I want right now is the one who can’t give it to me.”

“I miss him so much,” she added. “I know where he is now is so much better, but it doesn’t change how much I miss him.”

“I always told him that I wanted to die before him because I just didn’t think I could survive without him, but I knew that he’d be okay without me,” she continued. “If you would’ve asked what my worst nightmare was, it would be losing him.”

“So many times I’ve asked myself, how can this be happening? I can’t believe this is really happening. But it is. And this is part of life. People get cancer and people die. We can’t do anything about that, but we can control how we respond to these circumstances and how we allow God to work in us and through us. I can already see the growth and change in me.”

“It sucks to go through something like this, but I know God is working and moving,” she concluded. “All the both of us want is for Him to be glorified. As Jesus said in John 12: 28, Father, bring glory to Your name.”