Wenger downplays Sanchez tantrum
By admin - 2017-01-14 23:04:18

Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, downplayed the tantrum thrown by striker Alexis Sanchez.

The fit from Sanchez was thrown during a four to zero win against Swansea. Wenger substituted Sanchez and playmaker, Mesut Ozil, with 11 minutes left in the Saturday victory. Sanchez immediately began to react unhappily at the decision. He marched off of the field and kicked one of his gloves in the air as he walked to the bench. When Sanchez reached the bench, he sat in an area isolated from the other Arsenal players and decided not to watch the remaining minutes in the match. While the media blew the story up, Arsene Wenger dismissed the episode, summing up the tantrum from the Chilean to cultural differences.

“Looking at the game tonight, that is really minor, minor, minor. All players are frustrated when they come off — some show it, some don’t. I am long enough in the job to know that. I just make the decision I feel is right and that’s it. Nothing more than that,” said Wenger. “He’s a good guy who gives a lot and wants to do well, always, for the team. There is no problem. But every culture is different. Some South Americans are a bit different to Europeans, Southern Europeans are different to northern Europeans. You have to respect that. That’s why we are a multi-national team.”

Sanchez also had a similar episode during an Arsenal tie with Bournemouth in the previous English Premier League game.