Villanova star player Donte DiVincenzo deletes Twitter account after racial slurs surface
By admin - 2018-04-03 19:20:07

After Donte DiVincenzo led Villanova to its third national championship with a commanding 79-62 win over Michigan Monday night, he should have been fielding questions about his brilliant 31-point performance.

Instead, according to ESPN, reporters grilled the 6-5 sophomore about his Twitter account, which was found to contain tweets from 2011 in which a then 14-year-old DiVincenzo used racial epithets in a number of posts. Several of those tweets reportedly used the N-word, while others contained derogatory terms for gay people.

DiVincenzo, who is white, admitted the account was his but said he did not remember using the slurs.

“It’s my account, yes,” DiVincenzo said. “But I never remember doing that.”

After the game, a tweet from Villanova’s official Twitter account claimed that DiVincenzo’s account had bee hacked.

“Unfortunately a Twitter account belonging to Donte DiVincenzo was hacked tonight,” the post read. “None of the statements attributed to Donte are his — he has not used the account for months. The account has been deactivated. Please disregard any of these false tweets.”

Villanova later withdrew its statement after it was reported that the posts in question came while DiVincenzo was still in high school. The account, which boasted a following of 17,000 at its peak, has since been deleted.