Tokyo Olympics 2021: Japan Begins Administering Covid-19 Vaccines
By admin - February 18, 2021

While it’s true that Japan is a bit behind the curve for the roll-out of the vaccine, there’s still some hope that things will bode well. The question is will everything be ready in time for the games to start in the summer without another postponement or a possible cancellation? Here are the highlights: 

  • Japan just launched its Covid-19 vaccination campaign, which is just within 5 months before they’re supposed to host the Tokyo Olympics Games in July 2021.
  • The country could lose billions of dollars if they don’t host the games this summer. 
  • Since Japan’s officials wanted to test this out in 6 other nations, it honestly postponed everything. Being too cautious may be a prime reason why the country doesn’t build enough herd immunity for them to have the games in Tokyo.
  • Interestingly enough, 80% of Japan’s residents would be ok with the games being canceled or postponed. 
  • Japan Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and other government members still want the games to go on.
  • With the roll-out starting, 40,000 doctors and nurses are expected to get the vaccination first. ‘
  • They’ll be using shots from Pfizer and BioNTech. These require two separate doses, just like the vaccine procedure in the U.S.