Teen arrested in Husker coach Scott Frost's home burglary
By admin - 2019-01-21 01:29:57

Lincoln police have arrested a 17-year-old girl who was found with an Oregon Ducks shoe believed to have been stolen from Nebraska football coach Scott Frost’s home last month.

Police say more arrests could follow.

About $50,000 worth of shoes, football helmets, and artwork were taken in the July 29 burglary. Frost initially believed 14 championship rings were taken but those were later found. No one was home at the time.

Police said some of the shoes were listed for sale online, and tips poured into Facebook and Crimestoppers, Officer Angela Sands said.

Investigators found some of the online listings to be hoaxes, Sands said.

She didn’t say what exactly led police to the girl, citing the ongoing investigation.

But officers also canvassed the neighborhood and followed up with a renovating crew that had been working at the home.

Since July, investigators worked with the Frost family to determine what was taken in the weekend burglary.

The initial list of items missing was updated to include four Oregon Ducks football helmets, four autographed photos and five pairs of Air Jordan shoes from Frost’s time coaching at Oregon.

The police report, which listed two championship rings from Nebraska, two from Central Florida and 12 from Oregon as missing, put the value of stolen items at more than $172,000.

“The incident that occurred at our home is obviously very disappointing and discouraging,” Frost said in a mid-afternoon statement released by the university. “All of our belongings were gone through and it will take some time to determine exactly what is missing and the value of those items.”