Steve Kerr disappointed in player All Star voting
By admin - 2017-01-24 01:20:27

Golden State Warriors head coach, Steve Kerr, admitted his disappointment in how NBA players voted on the All Star starters.

2016-17 is the first NBA season where players have had an influence in deciding who makes it to the annual celebration of NBA basketball. According to Kerr, the players made a mockery of their votes. Many reserve players seemingly voted for themselves as they received only one vote. Only 324 players voted. 128 of those players did not vote for LeBron James, arguably the best player currently in the NBA. 154 of those players did not vote for Kevin Durant, arguably the second best player currently in the NBA.

“I am very disappointed in the players,” said Kerr, who, as head of the team with the best record in the Western Conference, will coach in the All Star Game. “I mean, they’ve asked for a vote, and a lot of them just made a mockery of it.”

Another concern was the fact that Russell Westbrook, who is averaging a triple double for the season, a feat that has not been achieved in decades, was not named an All Star starter. Golden State Warrior, Steph Curry, was instead named a starter. His coach spoke out on the odd decision.

“All in all, these things are always going to be debatable about who’s starting and who gets named. There’s always going to be worthy players left out of the starting lineup, left out of the roster entirely. It’s the same thing every year and I don’t know what the perfect answer is.”