Ski Jumping Rules at Winter Olympics
By Andrew Parker - November 18, 2022

One of the most interesting winter sports is ski jumping, where participants occasionally jump more than 200 meters. Technical regulations for the sport are in place to guarantee fair competition and everyone’s safety. Please continue reading to discover the fundamentals of ski jumping, whether you are a beginner or enjoy watching it during the Olympics. Ski jumping can be divided into three main categories, depending on the jump’s size and the number of people competing. The large team hill is the third size of the two hills, either normal or large.

Participation in ski jumping is not weight-restricted. Ski jumpers who weigh less must use shorter skis to lessen the aerodynamic lift they experience because athletes who weigh less may leap farther. There are numerous parts to a ski jumping hill, all with varying lengths and inclinations. The takeoff point, inrun point, and starting point make up the hill’s beginning. The sharpest portion of the hill that leads to the K-point is known as the knoll. It goes from the beginning of the landing hill to the “P-point.” The stopping area’s landing hill starts to flatten out near the K-point.

Getty images/AFP/ JANEK SKARZYNSKI/Contributor

In ski jumping, there are regulations to protect all athletes’ well-being. All jumpers must wear helmets as part of their equipment to guard against head injuries. Ski length and binding ski placement have been regulated to ensure that competitors attempt jumps with safe equipment. Ski flying is judged solely on distance, while ski jumping is scored on distance and style. Whether or not the jumper adheres to the recommended technique for elements like flight, landing, and outrun determines how many style points are awarded.

The K-Point or beyond is where ski jumpers hope to land. The judges will deduct points if they land well before K-Point. However, landing can occur at any spot on the hill following the knoll; the K-point is where jumpers try to reach. Finally, the Olympic Quota Allocation List is the basis for qualifying for the ski jumping competition. The results of the previous two seasons’ Summer Grand Prix and FIS World Cup competitions are combined to produce this list.