Scott Frost locates missing championship rings
By admin - 2019-01-03 01:47:17

Lincoln police are asking for the public’s help identifying those responsible for stealing $165,000 worth of memorabilia from the home of Nebraska football coach Scott Frost.

Police report an individual or group has broken into Frost’s home, which is located near 27th Street and Pine Lake, sometime between 5:30 p.m. Friday and Sunday.

Among the items listed as stolen from Frost’s home were 14 championship rings, a signed Nebraska football helmet and a Nintendo Wii. However, as of 6 p.m. Monday, Frost had recovered all of those items, proclaiming the items as misplaced, not stolen, police have updated.

The person or persons responsible gained entry to Frost’s home through an unlocked garage door, police said. The home was being renovated and no one was living there at the time.

Five pairs of Oregon Ducks Air Jordan sneakers, five Oregon football helmets and four autographed photographs are still missing.

“The incident that occurred at our home is obviously very disappointing and discouraging,” Frost said in a statement. “All of our belongings were gone through and it will take some time to determine exactly what is missing and the value of those items.

“I would like to clarify that some items initially reported as missing have been found, including some of the rings listed on the police report. Also, the value of what we believe to actually be missing is lower than what has been publicly reported.”

Police Chief Jeff Bliemeister said Monday afternoon that investigators will continue to work with the victims in determining what was taken and the value of those items.

“It is our intent to find those responsible and to recover the items stolen from the Frosts,” Bliemeister said.

Frost’s home is under renovation. Notably, no one was there during the burglary, according to police.