Russia banned from 2016 Paralympics
By admin - 2016-10-12 21:00:12

Russia has been banned from the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The Russian paralympic federation, which was subject to a blanket ban from the International Paralympic Committee, set forth an appeal attempt in an effort to reinsert its athletes.

The entire Russian Federation was banned earlier in the month amid claims that the attitude of the state might never change.

The appeal from the Russian federation was rejected on Tuesday, officially ending its chances of competing in the 2016 games.

The Court for the Arbitration of Sport decided in favor of the International Paralympic Committee, who judged that there was sufficient evidence of Russian state sponsored doping.

“[The International Paralympic Committee] did not violate any procedural rule in dealing with the with the disciplinary process,” ruled The Court for the Arbitration of Sport.

There was widespread disapproval from athletes to analysts when the International Olympic Committee allowed Russian athletes to compete in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.

“[Russia has] catastrophically failed its para athletes. Their medals-over-morals mentality disgusts me,” said IPC president, Philip Craven.

Russian sports minister, Vitaly Mutko, however, was displeased with the final decision to disallow Russian Paralympians the chance to compete in the games.

“The decision is not in the legal framework – it’s more political than judicial. There were no reasons to dismiss [the appeal], but it happened,” said Mutko.

“We will study the possibility of further steps, and probably take a decision,” continued Mutko. “Those bodies that should defend Paralympians do not do it and punish them instead.”