Russell Wilson does not share Cam Newton protection fears
By admin - 2016-11-05 02:00:39

Seattle Seahawks quarterback, Russell WIlson, does not share the same quarterback fears as Carolina Panthers counterpart, Cam Newton.

Newton spoke out last week about the lack of calls he was getting from referees and the lack of protection he felt he was being afforded by the league. Newton has suffered numerous late hits and hits to the head and expressed fear while throwing the football as a result. Newton was able to meet with National Football League Commissioner, Roger Gooddell, and said that the two were able to have a productive discussion.

Many NFL pundits believe that part of the reason for the treatment Newton receives is his size, power, and athleticism. Newton is six foot five and 245 pounds. Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson is shorter than six feet and weighs thirty pounds less than Newton, but also runs often to escape defenders. Wilson was asked if he felt NFL officials ever treated him differently for his ability to run with the football.

“No, I don’t feel that way,” responded Wilson. “I just try to play smart football. I think I’ve said this before, but if I didn’t want to play football, if I didn’t want to get hit, I’d be playing tennis. That’s just one of those things — you know you’re going to get hit, and you know you’re going to take some tough hits every once in a while, and you have to hang in there. At the same time, it’s a rough game, and you always want to make a smart decision and get down, get out of bounds.”