Richard Sherman says Jerry Jones has 'plantation mentality'
By admin - 2019-01-09 02:24:39

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is taking fire from all directions over his comments last week that his players will “stand during the anthem, toe on the line.”

The latest barbs come from San Francisco 49ers cornerback Richard Sherman.

“The owner of the Dallas Cowboys, with the old plantation mentality,” Sherman told USA Today of Jones. “What did you expect?”

Jones told the media Wednesday that Cowboys players will be required to stand for the national anthem and won’t be given the option of remaining in the locker room, which also drew immediate criticism from Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins. Jenkins called Jones a bully that’s leading his team through intimidation and said he’s fearful that Jones’ stance could ultimately drive the whole anthem narrative for NFL owners and the NFL as a whole.

Meanwhile, Sherman, like Jenkins, says he’s encouraged that the NFL and NFL Players Association have opened a dialogue on the anthem issue but he’s skeptical about what can be accomplished.

“They’re having the conversations; that’s awesome,” said Sherman, who signed with the 49ers in March after he was released by the Seattle Seahawks. “But there are unintended consequences. If they did (the new policy) to appease people, they didn’t appease anyone. It’s like putting a Band-Aid over a broken leg.”