Richard Sherman protests recent police shootings
By admin - 2016-09-22 00:52:21

Seattle Seahawks cornerback, Richard Sherman, decided not to take questions during a Wednesday press conference.

“I’m not going to answer any questions today, and it’s no offense to you guys, but I think the state of things in the world today is very interesting,” said Sherman.

Sherman, who is highly outspoken on issues of race in America, takes a Wednesday press conference weekly. During the most recent news conference, however, Sherman spoke but declined to answer any questions. According to Sherman, he was protesting the recent shootings of unarmed black men by police officers in Charlotte, North Carolina and Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Sherman did, however, share his ideas on the current state of affairs and where he stood on athletes speaking on current social issues in America.

“I think you have players that are trying to take a stand and trying to be aware of social issues and try to make a stand and increase peoples’ awareness and put a spotlight on it, and they’re being ignored,” explained Sherman.
Whether they’re taking a knee or whether they’re locking arms, they’re trying to bring people together and unite them for a cause. I think the last couple days, a couple more guys have gotten shot and killed in the middle of the street. More videos have come out of guys getting killed, and I think people are still missing the point. The reason these guys are kneeling, the reason we’re locking arms is to bring people together, to make people aware that this is not right. It’s not right for people to get killed in the street.”