Tiger Woods often trashed home he rented for five years during Masters
By admin - 2018-04-02 14:20:07

Tiger Woods return to form just ahead of the Masters later this week may have the golfing world abuzz , but the owner of a home he rented early on in his career isn’t exactly doing cartwheels.

According to The Sun, every year from 1998-2002 Woods and fellow golfer Mark O’Meara rented the Augusta-area home of Peggy Lewis. If O’Meara failed to make the cut, which happened often in that span, he would leave town early and Woods would have the house to himself for the weekend. That’s when the trashing began. Woods’ antics reportedly peaked after he won the Masters in 2002.

“When Lewis returned to her home it was a wreck,” the new tell-all book entitled, ‘Tiger Woods,’ states. “Shaving cream was smeared on the bedroom and bathroom walls. Plates with partially eaten food were left under Tiger’s bed. The kitchen looked as though it had hosted a frat party.”

The book suggests that the 42-year-old four-time Masters champion was groomed to have a have a mean streak by his over-protective parents Earl and Tida, who gave him a sense of entitlement that created a belief that he could live by a different set of rules.

The book also makes the claim that Woods never apologized or even so much as tipped Lewis for any of the damage or inconveniences. Her list of grievances included having to replace expensive furniture and rent hotel rooms because Woods was still in her house. ‘Tiger Woods’ hits stores on April 3.