Ozil refuses to sign contract until demands are made
By admin - 2017-01-10 06:53:19

In modern football, many would expect that the request set forth by the players is monetary. Rarely do you see a player demand loyalty and trophies? Chinese money has led to Oscar and other big premier league players to move to Asia. But one man who seems determined to win in Europe is Mesut Ozil.

Currently holding the most number of assists in a single season, the German maestro has only 18 months of his contract.

He has of course demanded a pay rise as he should. But he has also asked to be guaranteed the continued stay of manager Arsene Wenger.

The French manager is the longest serving manager in England,  ensuring Arsenal stays in top flight football all through.
Bu8t it is his philosophy that is most notable. “Wenger ball” is a term better referred to in other countries as “tiki-taka.” That is passing the ball relentlessly ensuring the opposition do not get it. Only Barcelona play tiki-taka better.

But Mesut seems to have taken a loving to the style and Wenger. “I feel very, very happy at Arsenal and have shown the club that I am prepared to extend my contract,” said Ozil. “The club knows that I am, above all, here because of Arsene Wenger – who signed me and whose trust I have.”

But with Wenger is getting older with each season, he may not have a lot of time as manager. Sanchez is also stalling to sign a new contract. The two are the best players at Arsenal and arguably the premier league.