OSU football coach fired amid domestic violence allegations
By admin - 2019-02-15 02:29:06

Ohio State wide receivers coach Zach Smith was dismissed on Monday after allegations of domestic abuse involving Smith’s ex-wife surfaced, reaffirming head coach Urban Meyer’s zero tolerance policy regarding violence toward women.

According to the Columbus Dispatch, Courtney Smith filed a civil protection order against Smith last Friday after she claims  her ex-husband has harassed, stalked and intimidated her. The order requires Smith to stay at least 500 feet away from his ex-wife for the next five years. The Smith divorced in 2016.

“I am now in even more fear than ever before,” she wrote in a sworn affidavit. “Zach believes he is above the law and has no respect for the authorities. I fear for my safety and my life.”

Zach Smith has denied the allegations and his attorney, Bradley Koffel, has argued that a misdemeanor charge of criminal trespassing filed by Courtney Smith in May was baseless and that Zach Smith was just dropping off one of his children at his ex-wife’s apartment.

“They pick up and drop off like every other divorced family,” Koffel said. “They said, ‘He was told by one of our officers five months ago not to drop off at her apartment.’ I said that’s not enough to override a domestic-court order on where he’s allowed to drop off or pick up his kids. It’s a court order that controls this.”