Mike Tomlin critical of Antonio Brown Facebook video
By admin - 2017-01-17 16:16:39

Pittsburgh Steeler head coach, Mike Tomlin, criticized wideout, Antonio Brown, for a Facebook Live video he posted.

The video came after an 18-16 playoff victory over the Kansas City Chiefs in the NFL Divisional Final. Brown faces possibly being fined by the National Football League for violating the league social media policy. He also had to face being excoriated publicly by his coach, who spoke out about the behavior of his star player on Tuesday.

“I’ll be bluntly honest here. It was foolish of him to do that. It was selfish for him to do that. And it was inconsiderate for him to do that. Not only is it a violation of our policy, it’s a violation of league policy. Both of which he knows. So there’s consequences to be dealt with from his perspective, we will punish him, we won’t punish us. And we’ll do so swiftly, and we’ll do so internally. I’d imagine the consequences associated with the National Football League’s policy in that regard,” leveled Tomlin at Brown. “He works extremely hard, he’s extremely talented and those get minimized with incidents such as this. You wear on your teammates when they have to routinely answer questions about things that aren’t preparation- or football-related. It’s our desire for him and everyone to be great teammates as well as great players. And he’s a great player, he’s a hard-working player, he’s respected largely in the locker room for those things, but incidents such as this don’t help him in that regard.