Michigan State University football players protest during National Anthem
By admin - 2016-09-24 22:02:31

Players for Michigan State University raised their fists during the playing of the National Anthem on Saturday.

Three MSU players started off the protests. Delton Williams, Gabe Sherrod, and Kenney Lyke, all raised their fists before a 30-6 loss to the University of Wisconsin. Michigan State University head football coach, Mark Dantonio, supported the decision by the players to exercise their right to protest.

“To me, your patriotism, your faith are sort of the same — that’s your choice. And it’s influenced by what you’ve experienced in this world. So whether somebody salutes or puts a hand over their heart, everybody has a choice to make,” said Dantonio of the player protest. “I guess they have decisions that people have to make. As long as it’s done in a peaceful way, this is America. That’s what the flag stands for. It stands for the freedom to do what you need to do. That’s the beautiful thing about this country. At some point in time, when the true enemy comes, I guess we’ll all stand together. But I can’t make assumptions for our players, for what they’ve gone through in their lives. All I can do is try and lead the best way I can and be positive and accepting toward our football team and our players. When we come together after the national anthem, we come together in solidarity, and I think that’s what’s important.”

Later in the day, University of Michigan players also raised their fists during the playing of the National Anthem.