Local Dallas sportscaster latest to lambaste Jerry Jones
By admin - 2019-01-14 01:48:58

The crucifixion of Jerry Jones rages on.

According to NESN, Dallas radio broadcaster Dale Hansen gave a scathing critique of the Dallas Cowboys owner in a recent commentary, calling Jones and his son, Stephen, hypocrites for saying last week in dictator-like fashion that any player who doesn’t stand for the national anthem won’t be a Cowboy any longer. Meanwhile, players who’ve committed far more serious offenses are allowed to remain on the team.

“Jones and his son Stephen were saying the other day that any player who takes a knee and doesn’t toe the line during the national anthem won’t be playing for the Dallas Cowboys anymore,” Hansen said “It’s incredible to me that a player can beat up a woman and play for the Dallas Cowboys. A player can use illegal drugs, time and time again, and still play. But you take a knee to protest the racial injustice in America, and now you’ve crossed a line that he will not allow.”

Hansen also blasted Jones for not taking his hat off while the anthem was played before a Cowboys practice last Saturday when he purports to have such an affinity for it.

“Jones loves and respects the national anthem so much that when it was being played before the start of practice Saturday, he left his cap on,” Hansen continued. “And when he was told about the mistake he was making, he still left his cap on. He who makes the rules apparently doesn’t have to follow them.”