LeBron James says Durant move to Warriors good for league
By admin - 2016-10-12 21:00:12

LeBron James claimed that Kevin Durant moving to the Warriors is good for the NBA.

League MVP, Durant, signed a two year deal with a Golden State Warriors team that set a record for wins in a single season and at one point led in the NBA Finals three games to one.

The move shocked the basketball world and caused some to question the move,  claiming that Durant was hurting his legacy and the product and perception of the league.

“I learned just like everyone else, through social media,” recollected James. “I think everyone had the ‘wow’ thing. My [reaction] was no different from the average person who doesn’t know basketball to the person who watches it or covers it every day. So, I think it’s all great for our league. Our league is very competitive. It’s continued to grow, and [NBA Commissioner] Adam Silver has done a great job of picking up where David Stern started, so it’s pretty cool.”

When LeBron initially left the Cleveland Cavaliers to join a “super team” in Miami, he received a lot of the same criticism as Durant.

“Well, I think every decision is different. My decision to leave Cleveland to go to Miami and then go back is different from Kevin Durant leaving OKC and going to the Warriors,” explained James. “I think every decision is different, and how much you have invested in that player, I guess, or how much you feel for that player is how you’re going to react. So everyone is different.”