Lance Armstrong settles federal lawsuit with U.S. government
By admin - 2018-04-20 12:52:31

Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong has agreed to a $5 million settlement in a doping fraud case brought against him by former U.S. Postal Service teammate Floyd Landis and the federal government.

The lawsuit, which was scheduled to go to trial next month, ends nearly a decade of legal wrangling that could have sought $100 million in damages, the Associate Press reports. The suit was initially filed by Landis in 2010, then joined by the U.S. government in 2013 after Armstrong confessed to using performance-enhancing drugs while winning a record seven Tour de France titles from 1999 to 2005.

The U.S. Postal Service sponsored Armstrong’s team for much of his historic run, from the time he won his first title in 1999 all the way through 2004.

“While I believe that their lawsuit against me was meritless and unfair, and while I am spending a lot of money to resolve it, I have since 2013 tried to take full responsibility for my mistakes and inappropriate conduct, and make amends wherever possible,” Armstrong said, adding that he’s glad to finally move past the final legal hurdle in his fall from grace. “I am glad to resolve this case and move forward with my life. I’m looking forward to devoting myself to the many great things in my life — my five kids, my wife, my podcast, several exciting writing and film projects, my work as a cancer survivor, and my passion for sports and competition. There is a lot to look forward to.”

Since admitting his use of performance enhancing drugs, the 46-year-old has paid out more than $20 million in damages.