Lamar Odom talks affairs and cocaine use
By admin - 2017-04-02 04:55:03

Lamar Odom, ex-NBA basketball player and husband of Khloe Kardashian, opened up about their troubled marriage.

Odom, a two time National Basketball League champion, carried on a highly public marriage to Kardashian before the two separated in 2013. Odom had a health scare in 2015, which made him open up about the history of the marriage between the two. Odom is part of a new docuseries and explained that when he became a part of the Kardashian empire, women began to throw themselves at him and he could not resist.

“When I became Khloé Kardash­ian’s man and on TV, it made me look more enticing,” said Odom in an interview with Us Weekly. “If there is one thing I regret when I was married, it was having multiple affairs with different women. That wasn’t the stand-up thing to do. I wish I could have kept [it] in my pants.”

Odom also opened up about his cocaine use during their marriage, explaining how it hurt his marriage and how Khloe discovered that he was using the drug. According to Odom, Kardashian discovered him doing the drug in 2011 and tolerated the behavior.

“I was hiding it [from Kardashian] for a while, but then I got frustrated … ,” said Odom.  “I was in the man cave she had made for me and she caught me. She was disappointed. So was I. The sad thing about it is, I don’t know if I was disappointed because I was actually doing the drug or because she caught me.”