Johnny Manziel recounts his pre-draft visit with the Patriots
By admin - 2018-06-25 06:14:37

Johnny Manziel is now a member of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League and appears deadly serious about resurrecting his NFL career after a dramatic fall from grace. But it wasn’t so long ago that the former Heisman Trophy winner was the nation’s top college prospect heading into the 2014 NFL Draft.

And he was equally adept at partying, a former pastime of Manziel’s that’s partly responsible for the demise of his NFL career. While the Cleveland Browns would eventually select him in the first round of the draft, Manziel first paid a visit to the New England Patriots. As he tells it, it was every bit the whirlwind you’d expect from a 2o–year-old Johnny Football.

“My first-ever visit whenever we were going through the draft was in New England,” Manziel told Bar Stool Sports. “So I check into the hotel and I’m like, you know what, I’m going to walk over here to this grocery store. I’m going to get some food. I’m going to get a nice bottle of wine.”

Manziel said that was the beginning of a debacle that started with his hotel room getting trashed and ended with him and Rob Gronkowski partying through the night.

“I get back to the room, I go to open the bottle of wine, and I don’t have a bottle opener,” Manziel continued. “So I’m like, I’m going to go ahead and just push the cork into the bottle and just thug it out. The second I did that, it sprayed like a bottle of champagne all over the room. The walls, the white bed. There was half a bottle of red wine dripping from the ceiling. … Everywhere — all over the walls, all over the room, dripping, everything.”

Manziel said he was worried that word would get back to  head coach Bill Belichick, but he then got a call from Rob Gronkowski asking him to come out and party and all the worrying went out the window.

“Well, after that failed attempt to try and be on the good side of my visits, I get a FaceTime from Gronk. And as I answer, he’s like, ”I’m outside your hotel. You want to hang out?'”

Manziel said he never knew what the Patriots or Belichick discovered about that night. But considering they made no attemptto draft him, they probably found out everything.