Johnny Manziel hospitalized after medication mishap
By admin - 2018-05-10 09:30:40

Johnny Manziel’s comeback bid has been derailed for the moment.

According to TMZ, the former Cleveland Browns quarterback landed in a Texas hospital Monday night after having what’s believed to be an allergic reaction to medication he was taking.

“It seems like he had a reaction to an adjustment in his prescription,” Manziel rep Denise Michaels told the gossip site. “He’s fine and headed home.”

Although it hasn’t been confirmed, that prescription may have been related to treatment for bipolar disorder, which Manziel admitted he’d  been diagnosed with in an interview with ABC News earlier this year.

“I started taking a look at my mental health a little bit and making it a priority in my life,” he said. “I’m taking medication for bipolar and I’m working to make sure I don’t fall back into any type of depression because I know where that leads me and I know how slippery of a slope that is for me. I can’t help my mental makeup or the way I was created. But I know that if I stay on these meds and I continue to do what I’m doing right now, I think my dad, I think my mom, I think Bre would all agree that they’ve seen a drastic change.”

Maziel, 25, has been entertaining the idea of a possible return to the NFL over the past several months, throwing at several college pro days and giving every appearance that he’s working towards that end. The 2012 Heisman Trophy winner hasn’t played since he was released from the Browns in 2015 following domestic violence allegations.