Jerry West says NBA has "sour grapes" over Durant decision
By admin - 2016-10-12 21:01:43

NBA Hall of Famer, Jerry West, said that the NBA has “sour grapes” over Kevin Durant joining the Golden State Warriors.

Several NBA players questioned the decision by Durant, a league scoring champion and Most Valuable Player, to join a record breaking Warriors team. Former players also questioned the decision, touting it as Durant taking the easy way to an NBA Championship.

National Basketball Association Commissioner, Adam Silver, was not a fan of the move either.

“I don’t think it’s good for the league,” said Silver.

Jerry West, a highly respected NBA executive and former player himself, is not a fan of the criticism Durant and the Warriors are receiving for the deal.

“It’s sour grapes,” remarked West. “We signed Shaquille O’Neal and it wasn’t as big an uproar as this. Listen, the owners make the rules. They negotiate with the players. And for them to say something like that, to me it’s wrong on their part. The commissioner said something like that and I called him about it. I told him I didn’t think the comment was fair. It’s not fair to Kevin. It’s not fair to the Warriors. It’s not fair to any team going forward who will sign a free agent of this stature. The players bargained for this. They have a chance to go play where they want to. I only wish I had that opportunity in my career and I’m sure a lot of other people felt the same way.”