Hope Solo suspended for "coward" comments
By admin - 2016-10-12 21:00:19

Hope Solo has been suspended from international play for disparaging comments.

After the United States Women’s National (soccer) Team was eliminated by Sweden at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, Solo referred to the Swedish team as cowards for their style of play.

The U.S. Soccer Federation announced on Wednesday that it had suspended Solo from international play for six months as a result of the comments.

It has also been reported, and confirmed by Solo, that the federation also terminated her national team contract.

“For 17 years, I dedicated my life to the U.S. women’s national team and did the job of a pro athlete the only way I knew how – with passion tenacity, an unrelenting commitment to be the best goalkeeper in the world, not just for my country, but to elevate the sport for the next generation of female athletes,” read a statement released by Solo in response to the news of the disciplinary measures. “In those commitments, I have never wavered. And with so much more to give, I am saddened by the federation’s decision to terminate my contract. I could not be the player I am without being the person I am, even when I haven’t made the best choices or said the right things. My entire career, I have only wanted the best for this team, for the players and the women’s game and I will continue to pursue these causes with the same unrelenting passion with which I play the game.”