High school basketball star dies after collapsing on court
By admin - 2018-05-27 16:30:56

James Hapton, a 17-year-old high school basketball star, died on court Saturday after collapsing during an AAU game in Charlotte, N.C., the Charlotte Observer reported.

The Class of 2019 prospect from nearby Liberty Heights, a private school in Charlotte, fell to the hardwood during the second half of a game against a Phoenix-based team run by Marvin Bagley Jr., the father of former Duke star and future lottery pick Marvin Bagley III . Davis said Hampton was saying, “Hey ref,” as he fell, then just dropped.

“He just fell down on the floor,” Davis said. “He had seizures a year ago and I remember [one of the Team United coaches] telling me that, ‘I saw his eyes rolling back in his head.’ I ran on the court thinking he was having a seizure. A trainer came over and said he didn’t know what was wrong. Another trainer checked his pulse. He said he didn’t have a pulse. It got crazy after that.”

Hampton’s team, Team United of the Nike Nike Elite Youth Basketball League, was still expected to play a game scheduled for Sunday. Davis said the players wanted to stay in Virginia and finish the tournament Sunday, in Hampton’s honor.

“[The players] want to play,” Davis said. “They really want to finish it up. The coaches are just torn up right now. So it’s going to be tough. But it’s what the kids want to do.”