Hall of Fame speeches get political in Canton, Chattanooga
By admin - 2018-12-02 00:18:40

Terrell Owens entered the Pro Football Hall of Fame in a celebration uniquely his own Saturday afternoon at his alma mater before approximately 3,000 fans who frequently cheered, chanted “T.O.” and gave him the occasional standing ovation.

Owens also made clear why he chose to enter the Hall of Fame with a ceremony in Chattanooga instead of with Ray Lewis, Randy Moss, and former Eagles teammate Brian Dawkins in Ohio.

“A lot of people say that I may regret not being in Canton 10, 15, 20 years from now,” Owens said. “But just like my choice to be here today, I choose not to live in regret. I will leave a legacy that will leave an imprint on this world forever.”

Owens used part of a speech lasting about 39 minutes to explain why he was in Chattanooga instead of Canton, addressing the “elephant in the room.”

“It’s not because of how many times it took for me to be voted to the hall,” said Owens, who got in on his third try — the same as Joe Namath, for example. “It’s about the mere fact that the sportswriters are not in alignment with the mission and core values of the Hall of Fame.

“These writers disregarded the system, the criteria and bylaws in which guys are inducted, and ultimately the true meaning of the Hall of Fame and what it represents. I wanted to take a stand so the next guy coming after me will not have to go through what I and others have gone through. Whether it’s three years or 45 years, you should get what you rightfully earned.”

In Canton, Ohio, other inductees made a political statement; Ray Lewis did so with his words, and Randy Moss with his tie.

Lewis concluded proceedings in Canton, just as he was on the field as the greatest linebacker of his generation. He eschewed the lectern, wearing a cordless microphone for his 33-minute oratory focusing on ”hope, faith and love,” on ”family, honor, legacy.”

”Our country needs real leaders,” Lewis said. ”We need people that are willing to step up and take action. We need people willing to fight for what is good and what is right.

”How do we react to challenges in our country right now? Think about this,” he added, looking around at his fellow Hall of Famers. ”We can go from being legends to building a legacy bigger than football, bigger than sports. I want us to work together to really take on these challenges, to look at our goals and what unites us. Surely, there is something.”