Groups vow to stop Maine bill to ban trans youth from sports
By admin - March 10, 2021

 Civil rights groups in Maine are coming out against a proposal from a group of Republicans to ban transgender youths from school sports. Here are the highlights:

  • The proposal from Rep. Beth O’Connor of Berwick states that it is designed to “ban biological males from participating in women’s sports.” O’Connor submitted the bill to the Maine Legislature on Monday.
  • The proposal states that students who disagree with the ruling can dispute it with a signed statement from a physician that states they are female based on their reproductive anatomy, their “naturally occurring level of testosterone” or a chromosomal analysis.
  • Numerous civil rights group swiftly slammed the proposal. EqualityMaine described the proposal as “anti-trans legislation,” and it and other groups vowed to defeat the bill. A coalition of groups including the Maine Women’s Lobby issued a joint statement that the proposal “is not in keeping with the values of youth sports” and is discriminatory.
  • The proposal would face action in the Committee on Education and Cultural Affair before the Maine Legislature would vote on it. The legislature is controlled by Democrats and the proposal has no Democratic sponsors or co-sponsors.
  • New Hampshire is considering a similar proposal. Transgender youths, their family members and allies testified against it on Tuesday.