Former QB Trent Dilfer disputes link between football and CTE
By admin - 2018-11-30 01:41:12

Trent Dilfer is no stranger to spewing controversial opinions.

As an ESPN analyst back in 2016, the former Super Bowl-winning Baltimore Ravens quarterback went against the grain and spoke out against Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem demonstrations, saying Kaepernick should be “quiet and sit in the shadows.”

According to the sports network, he was at again this week, condemning the scientific notion that football and CTE are connected and, oddly enough, climate change. After University of North Carolina head football coach Larry Fedora made the ridiculous assertion that “our game is under attack” by false claims linking football to CTE through head injuries, Dilfer jumped on the fake news bandwagon.

On Thursday, Dilfer retweeted a Yahoo Sports article that basically said Fedora was right in denouncing the idea that football causes CTE and added the quote: “Association is not causation,” despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. A Boston University study, for instance, that found that out of the 111 brains of former NFL players analyzed, 110 showed signs of CTE.

Dilfer then went completely off the rails. He replied to one of his Twitter followers who said the CTE issue reminded him of climate change. Dilfer concurred with a simple, “Yep,” dismissing the mountain of evidence that says otherwise.

ESPN’s decision to replace Dilfer with Rex Ryan is making more and more sense these days.