Eagles' Malcolm Jenkins blasts Jerry Jones on anthem stance
By admin - 2018-11-26 01:51:05

Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins has a few choice words for Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

After Jones said recently that Cowboys players will be required to stand for the national anthem and won’t be given the option of remaining in the locker room, Jenkins called him a bully that’s leading his team through intimidation, essentially the polar opposite of Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie.

“Jeffrey has been very supportive of us from the beginning,” Jenkins said. “I don’t see Jeffrey as a bully like Jerry Jones is. Lucky for me, I don’t play for the Cowboys. Nor would I want to. I think it’s unfortunate that you have owners like him that use his position to intimidate and intentionally thwart even the idea of his players thinking individually or having a voice about issues that affect their communities daily, which is unfortunate. But for them, hopefully you’ll have guys challenge that, and they’ll have my full support.”

Jenkins also said that while ongoing discussions between the NFL and the NFL Players Association, which put enforcement of the league’s new anthem policy on hold for the time being, are a step in the right direction, he’s skeptical because of owners like Jerry Jones.

“I think it’s good that they are finally talking to players about it, but we’ll see,” Jenkins continued. “While you have the NFL office trying to meet with the NFLPA, simultaneously you have Jerry Jones speaking about how not only is he going to ignore the policy of allowing players to go in [to the locker room during the anthem], that everybody has to come out…When you have owners like Jerry Jones who speak so strongly and who has drawn his line in the sand and has been very vocal about it, and you’ve had other owners be very quiet, Jerry Jones is now the voice of NFL ownership…They’re going to allow Jerry Jones to push the narrative of not only NFL owners but the NFL as a whole.”