Drama surrounds Coleman, Calloway on 'Hard Knocks'
By admin - 2018-12-29 07:53:48

Buffalo Bills wide receiver Corey Coleman was featured on Tuesday night’s episode of Hard Knocks. Coleman, traded to the Bills for a 7th round pick in the 2020 NFL Draft, essentially asked for a trade in an opening scene of the HBO show.

A clip was shown of Coleman running a route at training camp before an inaccurate pass is thrown just out of his reach.

Offensive coordinator Todd Haley yells at Coleman for letting the pass bounce off his chest. Coleman lets Haley know that the pass never bounced off his chest before the offensive coordinator continues to chew him out. Haley is still complaining about Coleman has he walks off after practice.

Days before the Cleveland Browns’ preseason opener, receiver Corey Coleman came into head coach Hue Jackson’s office to complain about a demotion and flippantly requested a trade.

The sequence, captured by HBO’s Hard Knocks, provided the back story of the Browns’ move to trade Coleman to Buffalo earlier this month, receiving just a seventh-round pick in return.

After the opening credits, a Hard Knocks crew was shotgun in Coleman’s vehicle as Coleman drove to the Browns’ facility to clean out his locker before catching a flight to Buffalo.

The Coleman trade was a part of the wide receiver drama in Tuesday’s second episode of Hard Knocks, which is chronicling the Browns’ preseason.

HBO received police dash camera footage of an officer pulling over and citing rookie receiver Antonio Callaway with misdemeanor marijuana possession and driving with a suspended license.

Callaway apologized to the team, and Jackson told the rest of the Browns that he believed Callaway’s story that a friend had left a used marijuana cigarette in his care before the vehicle was shipped to Callaway to Ohio.

“Everyone gets one mulligan, and it better be a mulligan when you’re telling the [expletive] truth,” Jackson said. “Then I’ve got your back. If you’re not, I’m done with you.”

Notably, Coleman played every offensive snap in the Browns’ preseason opener and made two impressive catches — a two-drug catch on the sideline, and a catch-and-run 54-yard touchdown.