Colin Kaepernick wins judgement keeping collusion case alive
By admin - 2019-01-30 00:58:06

Colin Kaepernick’s collusion case against the NFL was allowed go forward to a full hearing after an arbitrator rejected the league’s request for a summary dismissal, Kaepernick’s attorney annouced on Twitter Thursday.

According to Yahoo Sports, arbitrator Stephen Burbank made the ruling on Tuesday, potentially paving the way for players to gain tremendous leverage in their fight against the NFL’s national anthem policy. The two sides have been knee-deep in the controversy since 2016, when Kaepernick  started protesting racial discrimination and police brutality by sitting and then by kneeling during the national anthem. A number of players have joined this protest movement since, and the NFL has failed to reach a plausible solution with the NFL Players Association (NFLPA ).

With this week’s ruling, the road ahead could provide even more turbulence for the league. Should Kaepernick win his upcoming grievance case, the league’s collective bargaining agreement would be in danger of being invaidated by the NFLPA, subsequently rescinding the league’s new national anthem policy requiring all players on the field to stand for the anthem.

The death of the current collective bargaining agreement could also prove perilous for the league in its court battle with Kaepernick. According to the terms of that agreement, the burden is reportedly  on Kaepernick to prove that the evidence collected in the preliminary phase of the case “was sufficient to raise a genuine issue of material fact” over whether there could have been an implied agreement between teams to keep him out of the league. That evidence further required that Kaepernick provide proof that he was not just being shut out by the league because of his diminishing skills as a player.