China Warns Washington Not to Boycott 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing
By admin - April 12, 2021

There have been a lot of social and political affairs going on with sports lately, so it’s not surprising it hit such an international level. President Biden was talking about joining allies in a joint approach to tackle human rights abuses. Here are the highlights:

  • A Foreign Ministry spokesperson denounced accusations of human rights abuse against minorities from the Xinjiang region.
  • Furthermore, he said that politicizing sports will continue will damage the Olympics and athletes’ interest from around the world.
  • There are human rights groups out there that are protesting China hosting the games due to the treatment against Uyghurs, Tibetans, and other residents of Hong Kong.
  • Susanne Lyons, chair of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee board of directors, said that she and the committee oppose the boycotts because it negatively impacts athletes as well as not effectively addressing global issues from the past. 
  • While they do not condone human rights issues happening in China, they feel it’s better for diplomats and other government officials to handle these concerns.
  • Not to mention, boycotts put a strain on corporate sponsors who provide the bulk of financial support for athletes and athletic progress for the long term.
  • Hopefully, by the time of the Olympics, enough people will be vaccinated to make this event safer across the globe.