Betances upset with Yankees after arbitration
By admin - 2017-02-18 21:55:08

New York Yankees pitcher, Dellin Betances, was upset with the franchise after comments from Randy Levine.

Club president, Levine, caused the talented pitcher to speak out about how he had been used. Representation for Betances took the Yankees to arbitration to get the $5 million their client desired. Betances walked out of the negotiation room with only $3 million. After the arbitration, both sides seemed to be content with the ruling. Later on Saturday, however, Levine spoke out to criticize the representation of Betances for bringing the negotiations to arbitration in the first place. Levine called the idea that Betances would ever be granted $5 million “overreaching,” “half baked,” “ridiculous,” and a fantasy. He also called Betances a victim of the greed of his agents and representation. According to Levine, the agents simply wanted to use Betances to raise the numbers on how much relief pitchers were paid in Major League Baseball.

“I was planning on putting everything behind me until I was aware of Randy Levine’s comments saying I was a victim in this whole process,” said Betances. “[Them] saying how much they loved me, but then they take me in a room and they trash me for about an hour and a half. I thought that was unfair.”

Betances pointed out that he was very loyal to the Yankees, on multiple occasions entering games with multiple men on base and pitching multiple innings.

“I’ve taken the ball time after time,’’ said Betances. “Whenever they needed me, I was there for them. I never said no.”

He hinted that he may be more selfish in the future after his arbitration experience.