Atlanta Mayor Urges Fans Not to Come to the City for NBA All-Star Game
By admin - February 17, 2021

NBA All-Star weekend is notorious not only for the dunk contest, the three-point shootout, and the game between the west and east, but the parties and afterparties it brings. Of course, this would be a bad idea to have the fans come through and make it a super spreader event. Mayor Bottoms wants to keep it to the players, coaches, and staff to prevent the cases from going way up. Here are the highlights:

  • Under normal circumstances, Mayor Bottoms would welcome people from across the map to head to Atlanta and take in the festivities. However, the current “temperature” of the world proves otherwise. She said, “People should not travel to Atlanta to party.”
  • She stated her concerns about health and public safety with both the NBA and Atlanta Hawks in a way to help prevent any complications. 
  • They’re in agreement that this should be a made-for-TV event only.
  • Additionally, she strongly suggests local businesses should not hold events related to the game either.
  • Players such as Lebron James and Kawhi Leonard have all expressed their concerns about playing an NBA All-Star game in the middle of a pandemic. Not only would this be a bad idea, but it’s quite exciting because of the jam-packed/shortened season. 
  • The NBA has plans to keep tight protocols around the roll-out of this NBA All-Star game. They’re only allowing players a limited amount of guests. The guests have to travel by private car or plane. Additionally, players can only take in festivities within the arena.  
  • Of course, tickets won’t be sold because they’re not allowing the general public to partake in the festivities. This is an obvious change to the prior years of tens of thousands of people who watch the game and attend different events and afterparties in an all-star weekend.