Art Briles admits to making mistakes at Baylor
By admin - 2019-07-05 21:00:52

Art Briles admitted to having made mistakes as Baylor head football coach.

Briles, who was dismissed from his position in May of this year, conducted an interview with ESPN in which he confessed and apologized for his conduct and the behavior of the players entrusted him.

“I made mistakes. I did wrong, but I’m not doing this trying to make myself feel better for apologizing,” said Briles in an interview with Tom Rinaldi. “I understand I made some mistakes. There was some bad things that went on under my watch. I was the captain of this ship. The captain of the ship goes down with it.”

Briles also promised to do better in the future.

“So, I understand that I made some mistakes, and for that I’m sorry,” claimed Briles. “But I’m not trying to plead for people’s sympathy. I’m just stating that, ‘Hey, I made some mistakes. I was wrong. I’m sorry. I’m gonna learn. I’m gonna do better.”

Briles was found culpable for the mishandling of sexual assault cases levied at several of his football players.

Two players under Briles who were accused of sexual assault, Shawn Oakman and Sam Ukwuachu, were recruited by Baylor despite having records of previous off the field problems for which they were dismissed from other schools.

A review of the handling of sexual assault allegations against Baylor Football players found exceptional fault with Briles and the program he was running.

“There are significant concerns about the tone and culture within Baylor’s football program as it relates to accountability for all forms of student-athlete misconduct,” read the findings of the review.