Antonio Brown absolutely regrets facebook video
By admin - 2017-01-19 02:46:13

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver, Antonio Brown, apologized for his Facebook Live video after a playoff game.

Brown, the star receiver for the Steelers, shot the Facebook video after a 18-16 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs in the National Football League NFC Divisional Round. Steelers head coach, Mike Tomlin, publicly castigated Brown for what he considered a selfish and unintelligent act. Brown may face fines from the NFL. The flamboyant receiver stood up to apologize for his action on Wednesday. Brown apologized first on Tuesday over Twitter, but did so in front of the media on Wednesday. According to Brown, he simply got carried away by the emotion of a hard fought and closely contested win.

“I absolutely regret the Facebook Live situation. Total distraction to the organization, total distraction to my teammates. Obviously disrespect to my coach,” said Brown. “I’ve got the utmost respect to our coach so I totally regret that. I stand by my statement last night. Just got carried away in the moment and I lived with that moment from last year, not being able to play in a divisional game.”

Brown continued to speak about his emotions spilling over. He was ruled out of a NFC Divisional Round against the Denver Broncos because of NFL concussion protocol. The Steelers would end up losing the game.

“You guys don’t know what it’s like, being ruled out of that game and having to wait 365 days to get that opportunity again. I think last year we played against the Denver Broncos, and I was ruled out on Wednesday, and that’s kind of how my season ended,” said Brown.