Ameer Abdullah ashamed of Nebraska fanbase
By admin - 2016-10-12 21:02:19

Detroit Lions running back, Ameer Abdullah, was ashamed by the death threats Michael Rose-Ivey received.

Rose-Ivey is a linebacker for the alma mater of Abdullah, Nebraska University. Rose-Ivey and two teammates, Mohamed Barry and DaiShon Neal, decided to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem before their game against Northwestern University on Saturday.

“While the anthem played, I prayed along with DaiShon and Mohamed, and we asked God to watch over us and protect us, to look down on this country with grace and mercy and to look down on all of us with grace and mercy. You see, we are not perfect beings, but as 2 Corinthians 3:5 says, not that we are sufficient in our own selves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God,” read a statement from Rose Ivey.

According to Rose-Ivey, he and the other players received death threats for their choice.

“Some believed DaiShon, Mohamed and myself should be kicked off the team or suspended, while some said we deserved to be lynched or shot just like the other black people that have died recently,” continued Rose-Ivey. “Another believed that since we didn’t want to stand for the anthem, we should be hung before the anthem for the next game.”

Abdullah stood up for Rose-Ivey and his teammates and expressed that he was ashamed of the response they had elicited with their protest.

“Completely ashamed of Husker Nation and of many people right now smh. I got your back @Rose_IveyNB15 keep standing for what you believe in,” tweeted Abdullah on Monday.