Adam Silver talks to mom of KD about move to Warriors
By admin - 2019-07-14 14:20:01

NBA commissioner, Adam Silver, had words with the mother of Kevin Durant about his joining the Warriors.

“The one thing I have learned, I was just talking to Kevin Durant’s mom, every situation is different,” said Silver. “This was a team in Golden State where they have three all-stars who were all drafted. A team that’s under the cap. And one free agent, who also happens to be a superstar, makes a decision to go to that team. It’s very different than if multiple players from different teams had come together and said let’s all land on yet a completely different team.”

Silver, who gave the comment to, may have been describing the LeBron James Miami Heat team, on which James and Chris Bosh, both All Stars, joined incumbent NBA scoring champ, Dwyane Wade to the tune of two NBA Championships.

“Every situation is unique, and these players have difficult decisions to make,” continued Silver. “Of course they want to win. I’m sure it was very difficult for him to leave the Oklahoma City community. Look at the incredible things he’s done there over the years. So these decisions are always difficult, and these are young men. It’s a lot of responsibility.”

Silver is not the only NBA personality to gain a recent appreciation for the move.

“At the end of the day you either hate it or love it, but you have to react to it. It will make it better for the fans,” said Cavs guard, Iman Shumpert, of the KD move.