A compilation of quotes from the 2016 Rio Games
By admin - 2019-06-12 21:00:12

With the completion of the 2016 Olympic Summer Games, the best quotes have been compiled.

“But today, when they jump without me, do you think it’s honest? I don’t blame them for taking the gold medal, but globally when you compete without me this is not going to be a fully fledged gold medal. Of course I will congratulate the winner, but I’m sure she will not feel it’s a real gold because she didn’t beat Isinbayeva,” claimed two time pole vault gold medalist Yelena Isinbayeva.

Isinbayeva was denied the opportunity to compete at the Rio Olympics due to the banning of Russian athletes for doping violations. Isinbayeva has since announced her retirement.

“I just proved to them that even after the war, even after we survived a war, if they want something they can have it. If they want to be Olympic champions, they can be, even if we come from a small country, poor country,” remarked the first ever Kosovan to win a gold medal, Majlinda Kelmendi, who won in the judo event.

“I think it’s sad that we have people in sports today who are testing positive not only once, but twice, and still having the opportunity to swim at these Games. It breaks my heart and I wish somebody would do something about it,” remarked American swimmer, Michael Phelps in response to Russian swimmer, Yuliya Efimova, being allowed to compete after multiple failed drug tests including one less than a year before the 2016 games.